Your CallConnect Learning Experience
Working in and Operating a Business in the current Dynamic and Digital Environment is Challenging! What Makes Your Product or Service Different from a Competitor? How Do You Keep Your Customers Coming Back for More?
Your staff are your most valuable resource when it comes to obtaining, maintaining and retaining those all-important people that make up your customer base; whether they are potential, once-off or longstanding clients. As well as encouraging and sustaining friendly, professional and efficient relationships within your workplace.
Your participants will, interactively, learn the accepted and expected methods of providing your patrons, consumers and clients with an exceptional and professional Customer Service experience though the diversity of channels that exist today.
ICDL Workforce
- Word Processing
- Spreadsheets
- Cyber Security
- Data Protection
- Application Essentials
- Computer Essentials
- Online Essentials
- Online Collaboration
ICDL Professional
- Presentation Advanced
- Financial Spreadsheets
- Documents Advanced
- Image Editing
- Web Editing
- Digital Marketing
- 2D& 3D Design
- Project Management